Revolver One: Featuring Pin City, The Rise and Fall of it All. Misplaced, Where the Wild Things Went, and Helpless. With John O’Brien, A.J. Duric, & The MMCJ! The first, critically acclaimed issue of my personal anthology series!
It earned me a 2005 Doug Wright nomination for the first B&W edition, this is a remastered full colour edition!
Revolver Zero: Hey, It’s More Comics Kids! You will find two entries of my childhood memoir A Bastards Tale, A poetic ode to Tom Waits fans and barflies I misspent some of my youth with. There’s Comix Jam pages and Monster pinups too!
There were several other volumes of Revolver in the past, but they are all out of print for various reasons today, this book collects all the things that were in them I wanted to keep available and is the last of the Revolver series of my antholagy project. There will be more but going under a new name.
The digital package gives you a full set of non DRM, PDF, CBZ, and MOBI files to download.
Retailers! Interested in stocking Revolver Quarterly? Drop me a line!
Digital preview copies can be had at request and I offer 50% off for the US, and 40% in Canada wholesale. And 50% off for all libraries and schools. A number of shops have carried my books now.